Mabopane Times

Kgosikgolo Motheo Mamogale launches community projects in Bethanie

Kgosikgolo Motheo Mamogale and the deputy minister for minerals and energy, Dr Nobuhle Nkabane at the official launch of the Bakwena Glencore Rhovan projects

On Monday 20 September the Chief of Mamogale Foundation, Kgosikgolo Motheo Mamogale hosted the Deputy Minister of Mineral Resources and Energy Dr Nobuhle Nkabane at the official opening of the Bakwena Glencore Rhovan CSR (community social responsibility) project in Berseba.

According to a statement released by the chief, as part of Glencore’s social labour plan, the mining company handed over four projects, namely the Bakwena Ba Mogopa Business Hub, Dimapo School classrooms, Modikoe Primary School ablution facility and Berseba Sports Field to the Bethanie community.

At the Modikwe Primary School, an ablution facility was built to eradicate the pit latrine facilities and to improve hygiene at the school.

The Berseba Sports Field was built to accommodate the school’s sporting activities and is also open to all community members.

The Bakwena Ba Mogopa business hub is designed to allow the local communities to meet their business needs and offers access to information and communication technology such as computers and internet connectivity.

The services at the hub include business administration, assistance with a business plan, and assistance with tendering.

Chief Mamogale said their mission as leaders of the community is to make sure that they intervene and eradicate barriers that limit young people, and other members of the community who are seeking opportunities, from realizing their potential.

“While we have always promoted healthy living, especially amongst young people, COVID-19 has taught us the importance of a healthy lifestyle even from an economic perspective. Facilities such as these truly give our communities a better chance at survival,” said the chief.

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